Brussels, Belgium, 2012

AEroSoundProd was a production led entirely by artists involving an experimental performance principle, echoing the effects of sound waves worldwide. This was complemented by triple sound production broadcasting Hertzian waves, streaming and audioguides. A systematic, repeated re-broadcasting of the programmes covered the airtime 24/24 for the duration of the international Biennial Design Exhibition of Saint-Etienne – France, between 20 Nov. – 5 Dec. 2010, from opening to closure, thanks to the different production centres’ coordination, i.e. the different colleges participating in the production. The programme directors, producers, technicians and artists are students and teachers who have collectively pooled their aspirations and inventive energy.

The work imprinted on this vinyl record was produced by students from the Department of Art in Public Space (AEsP) at the Brussels Royal Academy of Fine Art, in collaboration with collectives and/or organisations of artists, instigated by teachers and former students.

Client : ARBA ESA - AEsP
Überknackig project : AESP - Aerosound/33T
Überknackig project : AESP - Aerosound/33T

Label detail

Überknackig project : AESP - Aerosound/33T

Label and cover detail

Orfée Grandhomme / Überknackig - ennui

Orfée Grandhomme - Berlin, January 30th 2008

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